Bizart and craft fair - a fabulously quirky event

Saturday dawned bright and clear and frosty, the forecast snow having fallen early and mostly cleared. Having packed the night before, I set off (somewhat pack-horse-like - one of the few occasions where I notice not having a car) for the Lyttelton Well, met with Rachel and Rosie, and from that point, the day flew by! Before we knew it, we had a craft fair before us, tables and chairs all set up, crafters in place, tea and coffee facilities made available, and the doors were open for customers to arrive.

And arrive they did. We had a steady stream of people coming to look, chat, and buy, and it was lovely to see them all. Ruthcrafts took a collection of work - information about my workshops, patterns and project bags (which can of course be used for a whole range of other things too!),  a few lavender-scented birds, and fleece cushions and hot water bottle covers.

It was a great experience, and I've learned a lot from it, particularly that I need to remember that people can't see tiny fonts, and that despite being interfaced, my projects bags don't stand up on their own without anything in them!

 The other vendors were amazing, and I'm so pleased to have had the opportunity to meet such lovely and talented people. If you'd like to see exactly who was there, and doing what, I'd recommend checking out the Bizart blog, where we've been doing vendor profiles for the last fortnight. A glimpse of the show itself is forthcoming, but photos are already up on the facebook page (search: Bizart).


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